Sunday Worship
The best way to connect to CLC is by visiting on Sunday. Here's what to expect:

Location: 205 Thunderbird Road. Directly west of Venture Foods. 

Parking: There are 6 handicapped spots. 3 on the east side and 3 on the west side of the building.  

General Schedule:

Classes/Nursery | All ages | 9-9:45am

Worship | 10-11:30am

PreK-5th Graders particpate in worship up until the sermon, at which point they are invited to the front for prayer, and then dismissed to CLC Kids. At the close of the sermon they are led back into the worship service. 

Worship Guide

Christ's Welcome

To all who are weary and need rest,
To all who mourn and long for comfort,
To all who feel worthless and wonder if God cares,
To all who fail and desire strength
To all who sin and need a Savior
This church opens wide her doors with a welcome from Jesus Christ,

the Ally of his enemies

the Defender of the guilty

the Justifier of the inexcusable,

the Friend of sinners.



One portion of our worship is devoted to "corporate intercession", which means we all pray together from God's word. Another portion of our worship is for "personal prayer" where all are encouraged to pray privatley, with those around them, or with an elder. 


We're a singing people. Led by musicians, we aim to sing songs that have light (God's truth) and heat (God's Spirit moving our hearts).


We hear God's word and ask for the Spirit's power to walk in faithfulness to it. Listen to our sermons here: Discipleship Resources.

The Lord's Table

By taking bread and a cup, the church proclaims Jesus' death until He returns. Unbelievers are welcome to participate in every portion of our worship service, but this portion is reserved for baptized believers who are in good standing with a gospel church, whether CLC or elsewhere.